During my Ph.D. I was part of a 7 people team developing a C++ library
3D-Reconstrucion and other 3D Computer Vision tasks
The bigger part of this software is available as open source under the LGPL license:
download BIAS at Kiel University

Research affiliations:

During my Assist. Professorship:
CVMI group AAU (Prof. Volker Krüger)
Mediatechnology Group AAU

During my PhD:
MIP group at University Kiel (Prof. Reinhard Koch)

During my Studies and Diploma: 
CogSys Group University Kiel (Prof. Gerald Sommer)

Selected People and Institutions I work or worked with:


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bodo Rosenhan

Dr. habil. Christian Perwass

Joern Hoffmann (iorn.de)


If you find any outdated links, please message me.